2019 STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop

professional development \ startalk workshop \ 2019 workshop


Online Workshop

(To be completed before the face-to-face workshop)

June 1-7

Module I (Key Concepts and Pedagogical Approaches in Heritage Language Teaching)

June 8-14

Module IV (Strategies for Teaching Mixed Classes)

June 15-22

Module V (Project-Based Learning)

Participants will have a week to complete each module. The module assignments will be emailed to participants.

On-Campus Workshop: Schedule and Presentations

Royce Hall 314. The schedule is subject to change.

In keeping with the STARTALK framework, this workshop is designed to provide multiple opportunities to acquire and process new knowledge in order to apply and reflect on the development of new skills, as described below.

1. Acquire: Participants gain new knowledge & skills through input.

2. Process: Participants build personal understanding of new knowledge & skills.

3. Apply: Participants use new knowledge & skills.

4. Reflect: Participants explore ways to use new knowledge & skills.

Each day’s work will be entered into a Google document that will guide participants as they create their final project and will become a resource for applying the knowledge and skills acquired this week to their own teaching.


8:30 – 9:00

Registration and coffee

9:00 – 9:20

Welcome and introductions, overview for the week (Maria Carreira)

Presentation file: Intro to the workshop

9:20 – 9:50

Review of Module I (Key Concepts and Pedagogical Approaches in Heritage Language Teaching):

Guiding questions: What are the needs of HL learners? How do they differ from those of second language learners and those of native speakers? What is Macro-based teaching? Why is this an affective approach with HL learners? What are the From-to Principles? How do they help attend to the needs of heritage speakers?

Targeted TELL Criterion:

PL3.c: The teacher plans lessons that attend to the needs of heritage/native speakers

(Claire Chik)

9:50 – 10:10

The STARTALK framework

Guiding questions: What is STARTALK? What are the STARTALK Principles? What are the TELL Criteria? How do the STARTALK-Endorsed principles and the TELL criteria relate to HL teaching? How do these principles support teachers in attending to the needs of HL learners?

(Claire Chik)

 10:10 – 10:35

What's so great about PBL

How PBL helps instantiate the key concepts and pedagogical approaches in Heritage Language Teaching.

Guiding questions:  How does PBL support language learning? How can PBL help teachers address the needs of HL learners and attend to a range of abilities in the classroom?

Targeted TELL Criterion: PL1.d The teacher uses units that provide opportunities for students to investigate cultural products practices, and perspectives in order to interact appropriately with others.

(Maria Carreira)

Presentation file: What is so great about PBL

10:35 – 10:50


10:50 – 11:30

Review of Module V (Part II): Sample project(s), background on how they were developed, re-cap activity

Targeted TELL CriterionPL1.d The teacher uses units that provide opportunities for students to investigate cultural products practices, and perspectives in order to interact appropriately with others.

(Alegría Ribadeneira)

Presentation file: Sample Projects and best practices of PBL

11:30 – 12:15


From textbook activities to real-world problems

 Participants will work with common textbook activities to assess how “real” and engaging they are and they will discuss possible adaptations to turn them into a complex problem that can form the basis of a project.

Targeted TELL Criterion:

PL1.d The teacher uses units that provide opportunities for students to investigate cultural products practices, and perspectives in order to interact appropriately with others.

(Maria Carreira) 

12:15 – 1:30

Lunch (not provided)

1:30 – 2:10

Review of Module V: Project design steps and structuring projects

(María Carreira)

Targeted TELL Criteria:

PL1.d The teacher uses units that provide opportunities for students to investigate cultural products practices, and perspectives in order to interact appropriately with others.

PL3.e: The teacher plans lessons that include learning experiences within students' range of abilities.

Presentation file: Review of Module V

2:10 – 2:50

Application of workshop by previous participants for the post-secondary level

 (Alegría Ribadeneira)             

2:50 – 4:00

Project work: Identifying project topics and driving questions

Working in groups, participants will brainstorm possible project topics or themes that are HL appropriate as well as identify a driving question for their project. Participants will focus on formulating driving questions that address a real-world problem.

The suggested topics and driving questions will be entered into today’s Google document below. This document will be available to everyone and updated on an ongoing basis as new ideas for topics and products come up during the course of the week.

Google Document link: Topics and Products

(Led by mentors)

4:00 – 4:30

Project work: Identifying products

Working in groups, participants will brainstorm possible products that integrate culture, language, and content, and they will present their ideas to the class. The suggested products will be entered into today’s Google document below.

Google Document link: Identifying Products

(Led by mentors)

4:30 – 4:50

Wrap up of today’s topics and Q & A:

Reflecting on the work accomplished today, participants will create exit cards.


Cheese and wine reception:

Getting to know each other icebreaker activities led by Alegría Ribadeneira


8:30 – 9:00


9:00 – 9:20

Exit Cards Review:

Process and reflect on yesterday’s work

Overview of the day

9:20 – 10:00

Scaffolding and assessment in a PBL framework

Guiding questions: How can formative assessment scaffold project work? What does performance-based assessment look like in PBL?             

(María Carreira)

Targeted TELL Criterion:

PL1.d: The teacher uses units that provide opportunities for students to investigate cultural products, practices, and perspectives in order to interact appropriately with others.

PL3.c: The teacher plans lessons that attend to the needs of heritage/native speakers

Presentation file: Scaffolding assessment

10:00 – 10:45


Understanding and attending to the language needs of HL learners: Focus on functional skills

Guiding questions: How can the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, the ACTFL Performance Descriptors, and the ACTFL Can-do Statements help teachers plan learning experiences that build on HL learners' skills and address their needs following a Standards-based approach within the framework of PBL?

Participants will practice identifying the proficiency level associated with the different products from the sample projects in Module V.

Targeted TELL criterion:

PL3.c: The teacher plans lessons that attend to the needs of heritage/native speakers

(Alegría Ribadeneira)

Presentation file: Focus on Functional Skills

 10:45 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 11:45 

Review of Module IV (Part I)

Participants will review the tools and strategies discussed in Module IV for differentiating instruction for PBL in mixed classes.

Targeted TELL criterion:

PL3.e: The teacher plans lessons that include learning experiences within students' range of abilities.

(Maria Carreira)

Presentation file: Review of Module IV

11:45 – 1:00

Lunch (not provided)

1:00 – 1:45

Review of Module IV (Part II)

Participants will review the tools and strategies discussed in Module IV and they will discuss how to incorporate these strategies in a “regular” (non-PBL) mixed class. 

Targeted TELL criterion:

PL3.e: The teacher plans lessons that include learning experiences within students' range of abilities.

(Maria Carreira)

1:45 – 2:45 

Group Work

Understanding and attending to the language needs of HL learners: Focus on functional skills and grammar

Working in language-specific groups and using the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, the participants will identify (1) the needs of their HL learners in the four skills and three modes of communication, and (2) the grammar/language topics of particular relevance to their HL learners. This information will be entered into today’s Google document (see below) and be made available to everyone. This document will be updated on an ongoing basis as new topics come up during the course of the week.

Targeted TELL criterion:

PL3.c: The teacher plans lessons that attend to the needs of heritage/native speakers


Google Document links: Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi/Urdu, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, TurkishVietnamese

2:30 – 5:15

Project work

Groups will identify the following elements of their PBL unit. They will present their work to two other groups and receive feedback:

(1)   Targeted student population, including language, age, grade-level and proficiency level

(2)   Driving question or real-world problem

(3)   Final product(s) and associated ACTFL proficiency level

(4)   Learning targets: functional skills and grammar

(Led by mentors)

5:15 – 5:30

Wrap up of today’s topics and Q & A:

Reflecting on the work accomplished today, participants will create exit cards.


8:30 – 9:00


9:00 – 9:15

Exit Cards Review:

Process and reflect on yesterday’s work

9:15 – 12:30

The three stages of project work: Information gathering, processing, producing

Handout file: Stages of PBL

9:15 – 10:00

 Focusing on the information gathering stage, the groups will consider the following questions in relation to their own project. They will present their ideas to two other groups and receive feedback:

  1.  What will the information gathering stage of your project look like?
  2.  What kind of information will students need to access in order to produce the final product? How will students gain access to this information? What strategies will help differentiate instruction at this stage? What will formative assessment look like at this stage?

 Targeted TELL criteria

 PL1.d The teacher uses units that provide opportunities for students to investigate cultural products practices, and perspectives in order to interact appropriately with others.

 PL3.e: The teacher plans lessons that include learning experiences within students' range of abilities.


10:00 – 11:00

Focusing on the information processing stage, the groups will consider the following questions in relation to their own project. They will present their ideas to two other groups and receive feedback:

  1. What will the information-processing stage of your project look like?
  2. How will students work with authentic models? What kinds of activities will help students focus on essential aspects of language? What strategies and tools will help differentiate instruction at this stage? What kinds of activities will help students focus on the elements of a well-design product? What will formative assessment look like at this stage?

Targeted TELL Criteria:

PL3.c The teacher plans lessons that attend to the needs of heritage/native speakers

PL3.e: The teacher plans lessons that include learning experiences within students' range of abilities.


 11:00 – 11:15  Break

11:15 – 12:15

Focusing on the information presenting stage, the groups will consider the following questions in relation to their own project. They will present their ideas to two other groups and receive feedback:

  1. What will the information presenting stage of the project look like? How will it be broken up into smaller presentations?
  2. How will the final product be presented? How will the principles of performance-based assessment be implemented?
  3. What strategies and tools will help differentiate instruction at this stage?

Targeted TELL Criterion:

PL2.b The teacher designs assessment tasks that allow students to perform within the range of their proficiency targets.


12:15 – 1:30

Lunch (not provided)

1:30 –1:50

Application of workshop by previous participants for K-12

(Vicktoria Barsky)

1:50 –2:30

Sample project (s): What worked, what didn’t work

Discussion of anticipated problems in incorporating PBL into existing courses and possible solutions

(Alegría Ribadeneira)

Presentation file: What worked and anticipated problems

2:30 – 3:00

Co-constructing the guidelines for the project presentation

Putting it all together, the class will create a rubric that incorporates essential pieces of HL teaching, PBL, and the STARTALK principles.

(Maria Carreira)

2:45 – 5:00

Project work

Participants will work on their project, focusing on how they will structure each of the three stages of project work and the elements of the rubric. 

5:00 – 5:20

Wrap up of today’s topics and Q & A:

Reflecting on the work accomplished today, participants will create exit cards.


8:30 – 9:00


9:00 – 9:15

Exit Cards Review:

Process and reflect on yesterday’s work

Overview of the day

9:15 – 10:00

Application of workshop by previous participants for the post-secondary level

“Heritage to Heritage” project

Resources for teachers

(Sybil Alexandrov and Alejandro Lee)

10:00 – 10:40

Project presentation(s) and discussion

10:40 – 10:50


10:50 – 11:30

Project presentation(s) and discussion

11:30 – 12:15

Project presentation(s) and discussion

12:15 – 1:30

Lunch (Not provided)

1:30 – 5:30

Project work

Participants will finish working on their projects.


8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 11:00

Presentations by the participants, reflections, and closing remarks

11:00 – 11:45

The onsite evaluators meet with the participants