1. Hamideh Sadat Bagherzadeh (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Complexity and Systematicity in Heritage Grammar The Case of Persian/Farsi Heritage Language Acquisition (Evidence from the-Poverty-of-the-stimulus effect)
2. Amal El Haimeur & Hamideh Sadat Bagherzadeh (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Complexity and Systematicity in Heritage Grammars: The Case of Moroccan Arabic and Persian Heritage Language Acquisition
3. David Giancaspro (University of Richmond), Silvia Perez-Cortes (Rutgers University-Camden), and Josh Higdon (University of Richmond)
Mood Swings: Effects of Verb Regularity and Frequency on Heritage Speakers Knowledge of Subjunctive Morphology in Spanish
4. Aretousa Giannakou (University of Cambridge)
Spanish and Greek subjects in contact: Greek as a heritage language in Chile
5. Paul Kidhardt (University of California, Davis)
Do HSs have a simpler mood system? The answer is more complex
6. Ekaterina Kistanova (The Graduate Center CUNY)
Does Sonority Play a Role in the Production of Russian Word-Initial Consonant Clusters? A Bilingual Heritage Russian-American English Child Says nyet!
7. Katrina Kore (Grand Valley State University)
Influences on Latvian-American Heritage Language Use and Development
8. Svitlana Malykhina (Boston University)
Engaging Russian-speaking Diaspora in Heritage Language Research and Teaching
9. Tomonori Nagano (LaGuardia Community College CUNY)
Why do Heritage Language Speakers Study L3 at Community Colleges?: A Multi-method Study
10. Cory Osburn & Agustina Carando (University of California, Davis)
Assessing English influence in HL grammars: The case of Spanish SE
11. Leticia Pagkalinawan (University of Hawaii)
Error Analysis of L2 Speech: Focus on Morphological Complexity
12. Sunny Park-Johnson (DePaul University)
Young Heritage Speakers Knowledge of Variable Case Ellipsis in Korean
13. Pablo Requena (University of Texas at San Antonio)
Language Variation and Experience in the Early Stages of Child Heritage Language Acquisition
14. Maike Rocker (The Pennsylvania State University)
Language shift without language loss - The last speakers of Iowan Low German
15. Nora Vosburg (Pennsylvania State University)
A formal and social dimension of complexity in a periphrastic construction
16. Anastasia Vyrenkova (Higher School of Economics)
Lexical Complexity in the Writing of Russian Heritage Learners
17. Izolda Wolski-Moskoff (The Ohio State University)
The role of parental input in shaping the knowledge of case in Polish heritage speakers