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Bilingual Language Acquisition à la Jackson Pollock
by Irina A. Sekerina (College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center, CUNY)This tutorial will serve as an overview of the field of child bilingual language acquisition in the recent years (2010-present) and of the methods used in it. First, I will survey the sources that cover major topics and issues (e.g., chapters, books, journals, special issues, and specialized conferences). Second, I will present practicalities relevant to the current state of the bilingual language acquisition (types of child bilingualism, well-studied and rare language pairs, active laboratories and researchers in the U.S. and Europe, main themes and challenges). Then I will focus on two approaches in investigating bilingual language acquisition: (1) comparing it with monolingual L1 acquisition in various language domains (e.g., phonology, vocabulary, morphosyntax, and narratives), and (2) studying bilingual-specific characteristics (input, code-switching, assessment, and implications for cognition). Finally, I will speculate on how we could use the methodological lessons from the field of child bilingual language acquisition to pursue a coherent and productive experimental research agenda with bilingual heritage language children.