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Gaza After Hamas: The Post-war Governance Problem | Professor Jonathan Rynhold

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Professor Jonathan Rynhold discusses the question of who will govern the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the war.

About the Episode

In this episode, Prof. Dov Waxman and Prof. Jonathan Rynhold begin by discussing the pitfalls and potential for success of Israel's strategy to defeat Hamas. The conversation then shifts its focus to the question of who will govern the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the war.



About the Guest Speaker

Professor Jonathan Rynhold is the head of the department of Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University. His research focuses on US-Israeli relations, as well as, Israeli policy to the peace process. His book entitled The Arab-Israeli Conflict in American Political Culture, published by Cambridge University Press, won the Israeli Association for Political Science prize for the best book of 2015. Recently, he has published articles on: the future of US-Israeli relations, Democrats attitudes to Israel, and Israel’s relations with Saudi Arabia.




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Duration: 00:43:04


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