1. Getting access
You can search published data on HELADA Dataverse without obtaining any permissions. To be able to download/upload data there, you have to (1) access UCLA Dataverse, which HELADA Dataverse belongs to, and (2) ask the owner of HELADA Dataverse to add you to their groups.
If you do not have a UCLA Logon ID, please create one at https://accounts.iam.ucla.edu (select CREATE A UCLA LOGON ID, agree to the terms, and then click I DO NOT HAVE A 9 DIGIT UCLA ID NUMBER (UID).
Once you have your UCLA logon ID, use it to log in UCLA Dataverse by selecting “University of California, Los Angeles” from the drop-down list and clicking the Continue button:
Accept the UCLA Dataverse terms of use and create your UCLA Dataverse account.
2. To become a user/contributor of HELADA Dataverse
After logging in, navigate to HELADA Dataverse and click Contact (next to the envelope symbol)
NB! Make sure that the starting page you are in at the moment looks exactly like the one in the screen below. The only correct web address is https://dataverse.ucla.edu/dataverse/helada.
Send a message to the owner of HELADA Dataverse, asking them to add you as:
- a user if you only want to download data
- a contributor if you only want to upload data
- both a user and a contributor if you want to download and upload data
You will receive a confirmation email when you are added. Once you get your rights, you can start using the Dataverse.
3. To upload your data
When using HELADA dataverse you can upload all your documents and files, or just some of them. This includes anything created or saved in any text or multimedia form.
To walk you through the process of data uploading let’s create a new dataset from scratch in this manual.
1. Click the Add Data + button and choose the New Dataset option from the drop-down list. This will open up a window where you can type in all metadata both required and optional.

NB! Make sure that the Heritage Language Data Repository is specified in the Host Dataverse field. There is no need to change anything if that is so. In case any other dataverse name is shown in the field, check whether you are working in https://dataverse.ucla.edu/dataverse/helada.

2. Fill the Title field then.

When creating a headline, we recommend the frame below:

Please note that every dataset should have only one file format attached to it.
E.g., we have PDF files as well as TXT ones in our ACTR essays corpora that we are to upload, which means we will have to create two separate sets in HELADA Dataverse:
ACTR essays. Russian HL. Written texts. (PDF) (is used as an example in this manual)
ACTR essays. Russian HL. (MP3/video) (can also be also added to the repository after publishing the PDF part)
3. Type in your personal and contact data in Author and Point of contact fields.

4. Write a description for your dataset using the following frame:
5. Select the area of study relevant for your dataset from the drop-down list in Subject. Add a key term and/or any information on the article/project that uses data from the dataset.

6. Related Publications (e.g., links to the same dataset in other formats) can be added in the special field. Type the dataset description in the Citation field and paste the link into the URL box. In case two or more related publications should be mentioned in Metadata, click on the + icon.

NB! Every Dataset publication has a unique identifier in the form of a link. To check or copy one, open the main page or click the Head of the dataset you would like to see. The ID is displayed as a link in the blue block.

7. Notes are useful in case you want to provide any affiliation that can be associated with this particular Dataset collection (e.g., more detailed description, topic, institute name, journal name, etc). Links to related datasets or websites can be also provided here via the Read more tag.

8. Specify metadata by selecting Targeted heritage language from the drop-down list.
NB! All fields except Targeted heritage language are optional in the Helada Metadata box. However, we recommend to consider filling in the optional fields as well, as the information might be useful for users and other contributors.

Add all additional information on your informants that you would like to share.

9. Scroll down the page to the “Files” box and click +Select Files to Add to start uploading files to your dataset.

NB! Make sure your files are ready to upload. You will need to have one unzipped folder on a computer.
Note that your data will be uploaded in the form of a data package, and each dataset can only host such a package in the format you have indicated in the Title. Be sure that all files you want to include are present before you upload.
Metadata Tip: After adding the dataset, click the Edit Dataset button to add more metadata. You can add a description to every file in your data collection.

10. Remember to click Save dataset so as not to lose your data in the final step!
You will get a confirmation email once the dataset is created successfully.
To make your dataset visible and available to all researchers, click Publish Data (1) when ready for sharing. You can edit (2) any details in metadata, add or delete files any time after contribution.