Ryoji Kishino

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Department: Asian Languages & Cultures
Email: ryoji26@hotmail.com

Keywords: China, Japan, Asia, India, South Asia, Buddhist Studies, Tibet

KISHINO Ryoji received both his BA (2004) and MA (2006) in Buddhist Studies from Kyoto University in Japan. His research focuses on Buddhist monastic codes (vinaya) preserved in Sanskrit, Pāli, Tibetan, and Chinese. He is currently preparing an edition and a translation of the Mūlasarvāstivāda-Vinaya Nidāna and Muktaka. Two of his recent publications are: “‘Satsubatabubinimatoroka’ 薩婆多部毘尼摩得勒伽 ha ‘Jyūjyuritsu’十誦律 no chūshakusho ka?” [Is the ‘Jyūjyuritsu’ a commentary of the ‘Satsubatabubinimatoroka’?], Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 56/2 (2008), pp. 854–851.; and “Koromo ya hachi no adhi-√ sthā-” [The adhi-√ sthā- of the bowl and robe], Nihon Bukkyō gakkai Nenpō 74 (2009), pp. 181–204.