Caleb Carter

Caleb Carter is the Japan Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow in the Program of East Asian Studies at Johns Hopkins University (2016-2018). He received his B.A. in Continental Philosophy from Colorado College and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies, both from the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA. He is currently preparing a book manuscript (based on his dissertation) on the historical formation of a mountain-based school of Buddhism in Japan known as Shugendō through a case study of Mount Togakushi (Nagano Prefecture). As a second project, he is investigating the recent conceptualization of certain Shinto shrines in Japan as “power spots” (pawa-supotto), or places believed to emit special energies. His publications include “Constructing a Place, Fracturing a Geography: The Case of the Japanese Tendai Cleric, Jōin,” History of Religions 56.3 (February 2017); and “Jōin no tsukurikaeta Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō: Togakushisan no ichi wo meggute” [Jōin’s Transformation of Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō: Considering the Role of Mount Togakushi], Kikan Nihon Shisōshi, vol. 82 (July 2017).