James Lantolf
Professor, Penn State University
James P. Lantolf, the Greer Professor in Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University. He is Director of the Center for Language Acquisition, and Director of CALPER (Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research) Penn State’s Title VI Language Resource Center. He was president of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (2005), served as co-editor of Applied Linguistics (1993-1998), and is founding editor of Language and Sociocultural Theory, Equinox Press. He is recipient of the AAAL Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award (2016). His research focuses on sociocultural theory and second language development in classroom settings. He is co-author of Sociocultural theory and the genesis of second language development (2006), Oxford University Press. His 2014 co-authored book, Sociocultural theory and the pedagogical imperative: Vygotskian praxis and the L2 research/practice divide (Routledge) was awarded the Mildenberger Prize of the Modern Language Association of America for its contribution to the teaching of language and culture. He edited Sociocultural theory and second language learning (2000), Oxford University Press, and co-edited Vygotskian approaches to second language research (1994), Ablex Press, and Sociocultural theory and the teaching of second languages (2008), Equinox Press. He has been visiting professor at several international universities and currently holds honorary professorships at the University of Hong Kong and Xi’an JiaoTong University in China. In 2016 he was named Yangtze River Professor in Applied Linguistics at JiaoTong University by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Olga Esteve
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelon
Olga Esteve was a teacher of German as a foreign language at the Official School of Languages in Barcelona (Spain) for 16 years. Currently, she is a tenured lecturer of German as a Foreign Language and of Language Didactics on the Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She holds a PhD in Language Education. Two of her main areas of research are: Additional Language Learning and Teaching from a sociocultural perspective and Language Teacher Development, also from a sociocultural perspective. She combines the teaching of German with classroom research and teacher education. Her main goal is to promote a significant relationship between practice, theory/research and teacher education.
Teacher Education for Explicit Language Instruction: How Concept-Based Instruction Can Help Teachers Transform Their Own Practice
The presentation will comprise two parts. The first will consider the developmental principles that support the relevance of explicit language teaching through concept-based instruction. The second will discuss how the principles are integrated into the design of a teacher education program at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona to prepare teachers to implement effective language instruction in secondary and elementary schools, as well as in adult language education in the Barcelona region. Details of program design and how teachers transferred and transformed what they learned in the teacher education program will be discussed. Finally, evidence of learning outcomes of language students participating in concept-based classrooms as well as teachers’ reflections on using the approach will be presented.